How Safe Is Cape Town, Check If Is Safe For Tourists And Individuals

How safe is Cape Town? This is a common question for people who want to visit a city in South Africa.

The guide will also show you the common safety issues in the city and the precautions to take.

Cape Town is a popular location for tourists in SA and is the home to the country’s parliament.

How Safe Is Cape Town?

While Cape Town is beautiful and with quality attractions, the city’s crime rate is still very high.

Many of the occurrences are considered non-violent, though a fair amount can turn out to be very serious crimes.

The crimes mainly affect tourists as locals mostly have to deal with different dangers like drug-related crimes, murders, and gang violence.

Some parts of the city center and suburbs are relatively safe to search as the malls, business districts, and tourists have high security.

This answers the question of whether Cape Town is safe in South Africa.

What Are The Common Safety Issues In Cape Town

Below are the common crimes in the city:

  • Petty theft
  • Criminals impersonating the police
  • Street beggars (strollers) and pickpocket thieves
  • ATM and credit card theft
  • Apartment or tour guide scams
  • Carjacking and mugging

Cape Flats, locally known as ‘The Flats,’ has been recorded to have the most violence and crime.

You can be subjected to political rallies and demonstrations that frequently occur in the city.

There are quite a number of gangs in the city that are masterminds of major crimes.

These are the common safety issue in Cape Town, South Africa.

How To Protect Yourself

You can introduce a few things into your travel routine to provide an extra level of protection while out in the city.

These include:

  • Carry copies of identifying information like IDs close to your body
  • Inform your family or friends of your whereabouts
  • Carry with you a fully charged cell phone and tuck it into your pockets
  • Have a list of emergency numbers for the area you’re in
  • Avoid walking around at night
  • Ask your hotel services for information on different neighborhoods throughout the city.

This is all the information you need about the safety issues in Cape Town, South Africa.

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